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  • Laravel icon
  • React Native icon
  • PostgreSQL icon
  • REST API icon

MyHigh is a personal cannabis tracking app that helps recreational users and medical patients track their THC & CBD usage. The application provides statistics to solve the problem of excessive consumption of marijuana.

Business challenges

  • Define monetization approaches;
  • Create separate roles for the vendor and the user with the functionality for their needs;
  • Improve retention rate 
  • Tracking statistic when supplies can be in different measurement units;
  • Possible issues during the publication process because of the app theme. 
  • Making the app useful for those who’d like to stop smoking. (T-break)

Key results

  • Implemented paid subscriptions for both roles 
  • Increased retention rate by implementing the features from social networks ( share news, the achievements module and notification system) 
  • We created statistics for the user with interactive display. Each user can view statistics about session, supplies, devices. Statistics can be viewed for a day, a week, ar a month;   
  • The user can create a T-break for a custom period of time and track how much supply and money was saved. 
  • Implemented the process for verification of a vendor license. It helped us to pass AppStore Review Process.
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Our solutions

  • Code base was written in Laravel + ReactNative; 
  • Gitlab - based CI/CD pipeline / deployment infrastructure
  • Ansible - software that provides tools for configuration management, orchestration, centralized application installation, and parallel execution of typical tasks on a group of systems
  • REST API for communication with services
  • Docker containerization for services
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Our achievements

  • We have developed a subscriptions system with a third party solution RevenuCat. Logic of switching to a new plan was implemented, so that user pays only a difference when switched to a new more expensive plan 
  • Our customer is very happy with the design as it stands out from other applications on the market. Brandbook and styling met the requirements to represent consumption control 
  • Statistics module was implemented to provide for a possibility to see how much money a user saves during T break 
  • By adding news feed from friends and vendors we have managed to keep users in the application longer 
  • After long lasting clarification and qualifications with AppStore we have managed to publish the application.  It was essential to prove that the application does not sell cannabis
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We will contact you shortly to arrange a meeting to discuss your goals. icon team

Kashcheiev Maksym

Head of Business Development

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